MySQL得益于其开源属性、成熟的商业运作、良好的社区运营以及功能的不断迭代与完善,已经成为互联网关系型数据库的标配。可以说,X86服务器、Linux作为基础设施,跟MySQL一起构建了互联网数据存储服务的基石,三者相辅相成。本文将分享一个工作中的实践案例:因Intel PAUSE指令周期的迭代,引发了MySQL的性能瓶颈,美团MySQL DBA团队如何基于这三者来一步步进行分析、定位和优化。希望这些思路能对大家有所启发。
在2017年,Intel发布了新一代的服务器平台Purley,并将Intel Xeon Scalable Processor(至强可扩展处理器)重新划分为:Platinum(铂金)、Gold(金)、Silver(银)、Broze(铜)等四个等级。产品定位和框架也变得更加清晰。
因美团线上海量数据交易和存储等后端服务依赖大量高性能服务器的支撑。随着线上部分Grantly平台E系列服务器生命周期的临近,以及产品本身的发展和迭代。从2019年开始,RDS(关系型数据库服务)后端存储(MySQL)开始大量上线Purley平台的Skylake CPU服务器,其中包含Silver 4110等。
Silver 4110相比上一代E5-2620 V4,支持更高的内存频率、更多的内存通道、更大的L2 Cache、更快的总线传输速率等。Intel官方数据显示Silver 4110的性能比上一代E5-2620 V4提升了10%。
然而,随着线上Skylake服务器数量的增加,以及越来越多的业务接入。美团MySQL DBA团队发现部分MySQL实例性能与预期并不相符,有时甚至出现较大程度的下降。经过持续的性能问题分析,我们定位到Skylake服务器存在性能瓶颈:
接下来,我们将从Intel CPU、ut_delay函数、PAUSE指令三方面入手,进行剖析定位,并探索相关优化方案。
1.在oltp_write_only(只写)的场景下Purley 4110的性能下降较为明显。
2.同为Purley 4110,CentOS 7比CentOS 6 oltp_write_only(只写)性能有提升。
在上图中,同为Purley 4110,CentOS 7比CentOS 6性能有提升。具体提升原因,因不涉及本文重点内容,所以不在这里详细展开了。
New MCS-based Locking MechanismRed Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 introduces a new locking mechanism, MCS locks. This new locking mechanism significantly reduces spinlock overhead in large systems, which makes spinlocks generally more efficient in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1.
红帽官网Release Notes显示,从内核3.10.0-229开始,引入了新的加锁机制,MCS锁。可以降低spinlock的开销,从而更高效地运行。普通spinlock在多CPU Core下,同时只能有一个CPU获取变量,并自旋,而缓存一致性协议为了保证数据的正确,会对所有CPU Cache Line状态、数据,同步、失效等操作,导致性能下降。而MSC锁实现每个CPU都有自己的“spinlock”本地变量,只在本地自旋。避免Cache Line同步等,从而提升了相关性能。不过,社区对于spinlock的优化争议还是比较大的,后续又有大牛基于MSC实现了qspinlock,并在4.x的版本上patch了。具体实现可以参看:MCS locks and qspinlocks。
在大致了解CentOS 7性能的迭代后,接下来我们深入分析一下Skylake CPU 4110导致性能下降的缘由。
# Children Self Command Shared Object Symbol # ........ ........ ....... ................... .................................................................................................................................................................................. # 93.54% 0.00% mysqld [.] start_thread | ---start_thread | |--77.07%--pfs_spawn_thread | | | --77.05%--handle_connection | | | --76.97%--do_command | | | |--74.30%--dispatch_command | | | | | |--71.16%--mysqld_stmt_execute | | | | | | | --70.74%--Prepared_statement::execute_loop | | | | | | | |--69.53%--Prepared_statement::execute | | | | | | | | | |--67.90%--mysql_execute_command | | | | | | | | | | | |--23.43%--trans_commit_stmt | | | | | | | | | | | | | --23.30%--ha_commit_trans | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--18.86%--MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --18.18%--MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--8.02%--MYSQL_BIN_LOG::change_stage | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--2.35%--__lll_unlock_wake | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --2.24%--system_call_fastpath | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --2.24%--sys_futex | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --2.23%--do_futex | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --2.14%--futex_wake | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --1.38%--wake_up_q | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --1.33%--try_to_wake_up ...
3.2.1 MySQL ut_delay实现
/*************************************************************//** Runs an idle loop on CPU. The argument gives the desired delay in microseconds on 100 MHz Pentium + Visual C++. @return dummy value */ ulint ut_delay( /*=====*/ ulint delay) /*!< in: delay in microseconds on 100 MHz Pentium */ { ulint i, j; UT_LOW_PRIORITY_CPU(); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < delay * 50; i++) { j += i; UT_RELAX_CPU(); } UT_RESUME_PRIORITY_CPU(); return(j); } ... # define UT_RELAX_CPU() asm ("pause" ) # define UT_RELAX_CPU() __asm__ __volatile__ ("pause")
可以了解到,MySQL自旋会调用PAUSE指令,从而提升spin-wait loop的性能。
3.2.2 PAUSE指令周期的演变
Pause Latency in Skylake MicroarchitectureThe PAUSE instruction is typically used with software threads executing on two logical processors located in the same processor core, waiting for a lock to be released. Such short wait loops tend to last between tens and a few hundreds of cycles, so performance-wise it is better to wait while occupying the CPU than yielding to the OS. When the wait loop is expected to last for thousands of cycles or more, it is preferable to yield to the operating system by calling an OS synchronization API function, such as WaitForSingleObject on Windows* OS or futex on Linux.
The latency of the PAUSE instruction in prior generation microarchitectures is about 10 cycles, whereas in Skylake microarchitecture it has been extended to as many as 140 cycles.
The increased latency (allowing more effective utilization of competitively-shared microarchitectural resources to the logical processor ready to make forward progress) has a small positive performance impact of 1-2% on highly threaded applications. It is expected to have negligible impact on less threaded applications if forward progress is not blocked executing a fixed number of looped PAUSE instructions. There's also a small power benefit in 2-core and 4-core systems.
As the PAUSE latency has been increased significantly, workloads that are sensitive to PAUSE latency will suffer some performance loss.
即:程序执行时间 = 程序总指令数 x 每CPU时钟周期时间 x 每指令执行所需平均时钟周期数。
显然,Intel文档已说明不同平台、不同架构CPU PAUSE定义的周期是不一样的。
#include <stdio.h> #define TIMES 5 static inline unsigned long long rdtsc(void) { unsigned long low, high; asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high) ); return ((low) | (high) << 32); } void pause_test() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) { asm( "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n"\ "pause\n" :: :); } } unsigned long pause_cycle() { unsigned long start, finish, elapsed; start = rdtsc(); pause_test(); finish = rdtsc(); elapsed = finish - start; printf("Pause的cycles约为:%ld\n", elapsed / 100); return 0; } int main() { pause_cycle(); return 0; }
3.2.3 Intel 提升PAUSE猜想
The increased latency (allowing more effective utilization of competitively-shared microarchitectural resources to the logical processor read to make forward progress) has a small positive performance impact of 1-2% on highly threaded applications. It is expected to have negligible impact on less threaded applications if forward progress is not blocked executing a fixed number of looped PAUSE instructions.
首先,通过MySQL 内部统计信息,查看一下InnoDB信号量监控数据:
SEMAPHORES ---------- OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 153720 --Thread 139868617205504 has waited at line 1075 for 0.00 seconds the semaphore: X-lock on RW-latch at 0x7f4298084250 created in file line 1425 a writer (thread id 139869284108032) has reserved it in mode SX number of readers 0, waiters flag 1, lock_word: 10000000 Last time read locked in file not yet reserved line 0 Last time write locked in file /mnt/workspace/percona-server-5.7-redhat-binary-rocks-new/label_exp/min-centos-7-x64/test/rpmbuild/BUILD/percona-server-5.7.26-29/percona-server-5.7.26-29/storage/innobase/buf/ line 1216 OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: signal count 441329 RW-shared spins 0, rounds 1498677, OS waits 111991 RW-excl spins 0, rounds 717200, OS waits 9012 RW-sx spins 47596, rounds 366136, OS waits 4100 Spin rounds per wait: 1498677.00 RW-shared, 717200.00 RW-excl, 7.69 RW-sx
跟踪一下发生等待的源码 line 1216:
if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST && is_uncompressed && !rw_lock_sx_lock_nowait(rw_lock, BUF_IO_WRITE)) { // 加锁前,判断锁冲突 if (!fsp_is_system_temporary(bpage-> { /* avoiding deadlock possibility involves doublewrite buffer, should flush it, because it might hold the another block->lock. */ buf_dblwr_flush_buffered_writes( buf_parallel_dblwr_partition(bpage, flush_type)); } else { buf_dblwr_sync_datafiles(); } rw_lock_sx_lock_gen(rw_lock, BUF_IO_WRITE); // 加sx锁 } ... #define rw_lock_sx_lock_nowait(M, P) \ rw_lock_sx_lock_low((M), (P), __FILE__, __LINE__) ... rw_lock_sx_lock_func( // 加sx锁函数 /*=================*/ rw_lock_t* lock, /*!< in: pointer to rw-lock */ ulint pass, /*!< in: pass value; != 0, if the lock will be passed to another thread to unlock */ const char* file_name,/*!< in: file name where lock requested */ ulint line) /*!< in: line where requested */ { ulint i = 0; sync_array_t* sync_arr; ulint spin_count = 0; uint64_t count_os_wait = 0; ulint spin_wait_count = 0; ut_ad(rw_lock_validate(lock)); ut_ad(!rw_lock_own(lock, RW_LOCK_S)); lock_loop: if (rw_lock_sx_lock_low(lock, pass, file_name, line)) { if (count_os_wait > 0) { lock->count_os_wait += static_cast<uint32_t>(count_os_wait); rw_lock_stats.rw_sx_os_wait_count.add(count_os_wait); } rw_lock_stats.rw_sx_spin_round_count.add(spin_count); rw_lock_stats.rw_sx_spin_wait_count.add(spin_wait_count); /* Locking succeeded */ return; } else { ++spin_wait_count; /* Spin waiting for the lock_word to become free */ os_rmb; while (i < srv_n_spin_wait_rounds && lock->lock_word <= X_LOCK_HALF_DECR) { if (srv_spin_wait_delay) { ut_delay(ut_rnd_interval( 0, srv_spin_wait_delay)); // 加锁失败,调用ut_delay } i++; } spin_count += i; if (i >= srv_n_spin_wait_rounds) { os_thread_yield(); } else { goto lock_loop; } ... ulong srv_n_spin_wait_rounds = 30; ulong srv_spin_wait_delay = 6;
InnoDB层有三种锁:S(共享锁)、X(排他锁)和SX(共享排他锁)。 SX与SX、X是互斥锁。加SX不会影响读,只会阻塞写。所以在大量写入操作时,会造成大量的锁等待,即大量的PAUSE指令。
4.1.1 MySQL 5.7 spin参数优化
当 innodb 线程获取 mutex 资源而得不到满足时,会最多进行 innodb_sync_spin_loops次尝试获取mutex资源。
4.2.1 spin_wait_pause_multiplier移植
针对Skylake CPU,PAUSE造成的吞吐量下降,我们对MySQL 5.7 spin控制参数innodb_spin_wait_delay的调优并未取得明显效果。
于是,我们将目光投向了MySQL 8.0的新特性:MySQL 8.0 针对PAUSE,源码中新增了spin_wait_pause_multiplier参数,来替换之前写死的循环次数。
4.2.2 spin_wait_pause_multiplier实现
MySQL 8.0源码中,之前循环50次的逻辑修改成了可以调整循环次数的参数:spin_wait_pause_multiplier。
ulint ut_delay(ulint delay) { ulint i, j; /* We don't expect overflow here, as ut::spin_wait_pause_multiplier is limited to 100, and values of delay are not larger than @@innodb_spin_wait_delay which is limited by 1 000. Anyway, in case an overflow happened, the program would still work (as iterations is unsigned). */ const ulint iterations = delay * ut::spin_wait_pause_multiplier; UT_LOW_PRIORITY_CPU(); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { j += i; UT_RELAX_CPU(); } UT_RESUME_PRIORITY_CPU(); return (j); } ... namespace ut { ulong spin_wait_pause_multiplier = 50; }
4.2.3 移植spin_wait_pause_multiplier patch优化
既然MySQL 8.0参数spin_wait_pause_multiplier可以控制PAUSE执行的时长,那么就可以减少该值,从而降低整体PAUSE影响。
了解MySQL 8.0相关代码后,我们将该patch移植到线上的稳定版本:
MySQ >select version(); +------------------+ | version() | +------------------+ | 5.7.26-29-mt-log | +------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) MySQL>show global variables like '%spin%'; +-----------------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------------------+-------+ | innodb_spin_wait_delay | 6 | | innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier | 5 | | innodb_sync_spin_loops | 30 | +-----------------------------------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
由上述可知,Silver 4110的PAUSE cycles是E5-2620 v4的14倍左右。基于此,将innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier值调整为默认值的1/14,取稍大值:5。即将该参数由原默认的50调整为5。
上述章节中,我们测出Cascadelake CPU PAUSE周期下降了。在跟Intel技术专家确认后得知:从Purley的第二代产品Cascadelake开始,Intel将PAUSE的指令周期降低到了44。(估计Intel也发现了第一代增加PAUSE周期后的性能瓶颈问题。)
接着用perf diff来对比一下4110和4210在ut_delay上的开销:
将MySQL 8.0 innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier patch移植到线上稳定版本(或升级到MySQL 8.0),通过降低PAUSE执行时长,来提升吞吐量。
如果是OS为CentOS 6,可以升级到CentOS 7,CentOS 7本身spinlock优化,对MySQL性能也有一定提升。